

Anxiety is exhausting. It can make it hard to sleep at night, hard to take a really deep breath, and hard to quiet the racing thoughts in your mind. Anxiety has a way of shrinking your life-the more you avoid situations and people to feel better in the short term, the more isolated you become. You may also have developed habits to manage your anxiety that have become problematic. There’s no doubt, anxiety makes it impossible to live the life you want to live.

How can I help?

We can work together to better understand your anxiety-the way it makes you think, feel, and act. I can help you learn new ways of handling your worries so you can finally escape the never-ending loop of fear. Let’s work together so you can stop living your life from a place of fear and instead from a place of ease, confidence, and control.

Fatherhood Adjustment

The Dad Struggle is Real: Understanding the Complex Challenges Fathers Face

The Crisis of Healthy Behaviors

As a father, you’re aware of the need to prioritize your health, yet you may find yourself navigating each day feeling sluggish and fatigued. Despite attempts to energize through caffeine or sheer willpower, the exhaustion persists. Balancing the demands of work and family has left you feeling drained, impacting your mood, productivity, and overall well-being.

You’ve likely tried multiple strategies to improve your health—developing exercise routines, purchasing gym memberships, and setting fitness goals. Yet, despite your best intentions, the consistency needed for meaningful change remains elusive. Between professional responsibilities and family obligations, it becomes all too easy to fall off track. You want to maintain physical strength and vitality, not just for your own well-being but to be fully present for your family.

Now, imagine a different scenario:

Waking up each morning feeling revitalized and energized. The need to drag yourself through the day or rely on external stimulants, like coffee, is gone. You feel vibrant and capable of tackling any challenge, whether at work or at home. This renewed energy fosters productivity, enhances your mood, and allows you to be more engaged with your loved ones.

Together, we can create a personalized and sustainable plan that integrates healthy habits into your daily routine, empowering you to show up as the best version of yourself in every aspect of life.

The Relationship Crisis: Navigating Marriage in the Post-Kid Era

Do you remember the days when your relationship felt effortless, fun, and spontaneous? Parenthood inevitably shifts the dynamics between partners, often leaving both feeling disconnected. Arguments may become more frequent, or the emotional distance between you and your spouse grows. Spontaneity gives way to highly orchestrated “date nights” that require weeks of planning to fit around nap schedules and bedtime routines.

But imagine this:

A relationship where you and your spouse feel closer than ever, working as a cohesive team through the stresses of parenthood. You’re not just surviving the challenges; you’re thriving together. With improved communication and intentional connection, you’ll reignite that spark, rediscover quality time, and engage in more meaningful conversations. The bond between you will strengthen, fostering a deeper sense of support, understanding, and joy.

Our work together will focus on bridging that gap, cultivating a stronger emotional connection, and ensuring that your partnership grows, even in the face of life’s evolving demands.

The Fatherhood Identity Crisis: Rediscovering Yourself

The carefree days of solo road trips or spontaneous adventures may now feel like distant memories. What once required minimal planning now feels like a military operation just to leave the house. Hobbies and passions that once brought you joy—playing an instrument, participating in sports—have taken a back seat to your growing responsibilities as a father.

Your identity outside of work and parenthood can feel increasingly elusive, and the sense of “losing yourself” is all too common. But what if you could reconnect with the core of who you are?

Imagine rediscovering a sense of purpose that goes beyond your job and your role as a father. Gaining clarity on what truly matters to you at this stage of your life, and making decisions that align with those values. With this clarity, you’ll feel more confident in your choices, more aligned with your priorities, and more fulfilled both at home and at work. Ultimately, you’ll regain a sense of direction and confidence in where your life is headed.

How can I help?

You don’t have to navigate these challenges alone. Together, we can chart a path toward becoming the healthy, engaged, and confident father you are capable of being. Through a tailored approach that addresses your health, relationships, and sense of self, you will emerge with greater energy, connection, and fulfillment in every aspect of your life.

I am currently offering all appointments via telehealth at this time to clients located in North Carolina and many states across the country including North Carolina, Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia.

Call My Direct Line: 828-808-6575